Afternoon Delights: “Oops!…I Did It Again” (Alternate Take)

It’s nice to see that Britney Spears is starting to get more vindication in the world. Of course, this tends to be the pattern, right? Someone is elevated, praised, and desired; then the public feeds off their downfall with each mistake, blunder, or possibly traumatic experience; and a few years later we have a blip of a moment of introspection recognizing our own culpability before shifting blame to amorphous entertainment industry and corporate executives who truly put this human being through the ringer.

However, even with that well-worn road befalling her journey, it is nice to see Spears receive greater recognition for her hardships, her experiences, and her talents. Case in point is this alternative take for the “Oops!…I Did It Again” music video. This is clearly just one of the cameras/angles that would be edited into multiple other shots and compositions in the finished product. But it is a pretty cool version to watch as she performs solo in a manner outside the better known, polished video. It’s a fun song, she hits every mark with ridiculous precision, emotes through the ornate choreography, all while seeming pleasant despite the no-doubt uncomfortably warm pleather jumpsuit.


Afternoon Delights: “Green Ranger Beat Down”


Afternoon Delights: “The Doomed Cleveland Balloonfest of '86”