CASEY JONES tone reel

When pitching movies to studios/producers, filmmakers will often develop a “tone reel.” Using visual sequences and various music choices, these montages convey the type of feel they wish to give their film. It sets…the tone (hence the name!). Five years ago, filmmaker Jason Eisener assembled his own for pitching a Casey Jones standalone movie. Jones is the hockey mask-wearing vigilante from the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles comics/show/movies/general franchise who uses various sports equipment to clean up the crime-ridden streets of New York City.

As Eisener writes:

Five years ago I pitched a Casey Jones standalone film to Paramount with Shredder’s daughter Karai as the heel. The final act saw Casey team up with Raphael who was to look like he stepped out of the 1990 film. Here's the tone reel I made.

It’s full of fun urban sleaze imagery from other movies and backed by “I” by Black Sabbath. In other words—it’s awesome and will have you wishing this had been made.


Guy Fieri Eating In Reverse


SNL, “The Muppet Show”