Don’t Thug Me I’m Scared

Nothing can replace someone once they are gone. The void left by MF DOOM upon his death is immeasurable and while he lives immortal through his music, there is no salve for such sadness. One thing that helps, though, is an animation using his song while depicting two groups of puppets going to bloody war with each other.

RudeJackArt put together this insane hybrid by taking the titular track from Viktor Vaughn’s Vaudeville Villain and making that the soundtrack for his animation of the gang from Don’t Hug Me I’m Scared terrorizing various Muppets who happen to get in their way. It’s an incredibly fun, kinetic animation that incorporates anime influences along with some ‘00s street art vibes and the frantic energy of ‘90s adult animation. It’s incredibly impressive and a real fun way to remember the dead rapper.

If you dug this, consider subscribing to RudeJackArt’s YouTube Channel or supporting the artist’s Patreon.


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