Halloween Cinemadness Mega Mix

Sure, Halloween isn’t until October and SummerWeen was actually last week. But I’m guessing that if you’re reading this, then you’re an “every day is Halloween”-type person who enjoys diving into the spooky trappings of everyone’s favorite haunting season. To help inspire those feelings while taking trips down nostalgia lanes, Cinematic Void has combined footage from their various Cinemadness compilations into one epic Halloween Cinemadness Mega Mix.

But just what is Cinematic Void? I’ll let them describe themselves:

Cinematic Void is a monthly film party of cinemadness that puts on events at the Los Feliz 3, Egyptian and Aero Theatres through the American Cinematheque. Created by James Branscome in 2016, and with the guidance of Grant Moninger (Beyond Fest programmer), the series focuses on cult films and oddball gems of all genres. Each screening is packed with weirdo clip shows, special guests, bizarre contests, and other surprises. Like the name suggests, the series fills a ‘void’ by programming films and content that is meant to expand the horizons of your cinematic odyssey.

As for this particular video, it’s an almost three hour compilation of spooky-themed clips from all manner of media. This is obviously near to my heart as I have made several such videos myself and I love a good visual mixtape that spans decades, taste, and mediums.

Halloween Cinemadness Mega Mix is great for playing in the background as you go about your day, or for injecting any spooky event with appropriate content, or watching the whole thing and loving every oddball Halloween second of it. The summary states:

Celebrate the spooky season any time of the year with Cinematic Void's Halloween Cinemadness Mega Mix. A curated collection of commercials, trailers, TV special clips and more to make everyday Halloween.

Be sure to subscribe to Cinematic Void’s YouTube channel, check out their website, follow them on Twitter, and—if so inclined—please support their Patreon. Pleasant screams!


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