Last month, PARANORMAN celebrated its 10th anniversary. To commemorate the occasion, Laika Studios commissioned various YouTube filmmakers to recreate scenes from the film by turning them into live action versions. You can see all four remade scenes via this YouTube playlist, but the standout video (IMHO) is by InCamera.

Using all in-camera effects, the crew perfectly recreates the setting, wardrobe, shots, and f/x to transplant from stop-motion animation into live action. It’s truly impressive work that you can see here with the original version included as a picture-in-picture:

It’s masterfully executed, shining a light not just on InCamera’s spectacular work and ingenuity but also PARANORMAN’s own original set-up and brilliant use of atmosphere and animation. To see how it was all made and the steps leading up to the finished live action version, you can watch InCamera’s video below.

Be sure to subscribe to InCamera’s YouTube channel, follow them on Twitter and on Instagram, and consider supporting their Patreon if so inclined. Also—check out PARANORMAN, either again or for the first time, and witness a brilliant and unique work that deserves far more praise and attention for its wonderful plotting and awesome artistry. It’s currently streaming on the Roku Channel and is available for rent/purchase on most digital platforms.


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