Nikki Lu Reacts To IT (1990)

Depending on the audience, there’s lots of joy that can be found watching viewers get scared of a movie. Seeing the massive reactions, startled jumps, and groans of concern can be a delightfully entertaining affair. Part of it is remembering how scared YOU were (or would be) when confronted by such horrors. Part of it is down to the watcher themselves and their idiosyncratic way of reacting to the piece of entertainment. Nikki Lu has a great TikTok channel where she and her partner watch a bunch of movies that she has somehow avoided all of her life well into adulthood. While those few minutes are great, there are some extended episodes where Lu reacts to even more of the movie (or miniseries in this case). Watching, and being spooked by, 1990’s IT is a delicious bit of voyeurism as she must confront her coulrophobia (fear of clowns) while also critiquing the missteps of the characters (and some of the filmmakers as well) and constantly being vocal about the experience. Be sure to follow her on TikTok as well as subscribe to her YouTube channel.


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