Tribal People Discovering Cheesecake

There’s a great bit in an issue of Shannon Wheeler’s Too Much Coffee Man where a character talks about drinking milk when they thought it was going to be coffee. They wonder if that was the actual real taste of milk, unburdened by expectations of what milk is supposed to taste like. Basically, the question is if surprising taste buds that are free of pre-conceived notions in the mind will lead to discovering what the genuine experience is like trying something for the first time.

Tribal People Try’s host Akram Akbar attempts similar things by exposing various tribal folks to various foods, activities, entertainment, and trends they would not have been exposed to in all of their decades of living.

The tribal people are all from the Punjab region of Pakistan. It’s not specified which tribes they are a part of, with West Punjab being home to so many including the most populous groups of Arains, Awans, Gujjars, Jatts (also a large faction in East Punjab), and Rajputs.

The four specific tribesmen are Tahir Nawab, Chuadhary Raffique Gujjar, Rana Nadeem, Gul Sher Khan Baloch and they are all spectacular as they encounter cheesecake for the frist time. The inspirational curiosity and unbridled joy in trying this new thing is delightfully infectious and hopefully will lead you to try something new today as well.

Be sure to subscribe to Tribal People Try for more encounters between folks otherwise isolated from these (usually Western) things. You can also follow them on Instagram. If you like what Akbar and company are doing, please consider donating to them and/or supporting their Patreon.


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