The Christmas Special Spectacular (Mixtape)

My Mixtape’s A Masterpiece is a weekly feature in which a guest compiles a playlist around some theme. This week, Kiley Fox assembles 12 tracks from various Christmas TV specials through the years. Read Kiley’s thoughts on each song and listen along.

When I think of Christmas memories—alongside the favorite presents, delicious dinners, family brawls, and circling everything in the toy catalog—there’s a sacred spot where I keep all the treasures that are Christmas episodes and Specials of my beloved shows. Rankin and Bass may be the king of holiday Christmas specials, but in their shadow live some sincere, beautiful, and occasionally awful attempts at cashing in on the Christmas spirit golden goose. Here’s a collection of songs new and old from some of the Christmas Specials that have touched my heart in a meaningful way.

1. “Twinkly Lights” from Bob’s Burgers

Move over Mariah, this should rightfully be the most iconic, most robust, and most fabulous Christmas song of the season. It’s difficult not to dance immediately. The message of being true to yourself and how everyone has a light is a beautiful Christmas message, wonderfully performed by Todrick Hall.

2. “Wrap Rap” from We Wish You A Turtle Christmas

The TMNT Christmas Special gets played on repeat in our house every season. The wide range of genres in the song choices are interesting, and the silly lyrics are fun to sing. Naturally, we all sing the “Wrap Rap” when we wrap our gifts, and I wouldn’t have it any other way.

3. “Don’t Be A Jerk (It’s Christmas)” from SpongeBob SquarePants

A modern classic. I’ve really come around on SpongeBob. He’s a sweet and big-hearted sponge that is actually nice. Don’t be a jerk is a simple but effective message. It’s not that hard to make this holiday season easier for others, just don’t be a jerk. Thank you, SpongeBob—you wise and pleasant sponge.

4. “Smurfing Bells” from Merry Christmas With The Smurfs

The Smurfs were huge when I was growing up. Looking back, I don’t think I actually liked it as much as my nostalgia wishes, but I still sing this one. “Smurfing” is a really fun word that also happens to sound a little naughty. I like that. Let’s go Smurf some bells y’all.

5. “The Chipmunk Song” from The Chipmunks

The original masters of the phenomenon of cartoons topping the charts, this song always makes me feel like a kid. It also makes my dad and grandpa feel like kids, too. That’s generations of magic in one song. (I prefer the original version listed here.)

6. “12 Days Of Christmas” from John Denver & The Muppets: A Christmas Together

The Muppets could cover any song, and I would instantly love it. I find “12 Days” to be one of the most irritating Christmas songs, but being able to sing with all the Muppets makes me feel like they are right here with me. That’s my dream Christmas by the way: hanging out with the Muppets as we decorate a tree, sing, dance, and shoot Gonzo out of a cannon.

7. “Intro” from The He-Man & She-Ra Christmas Special

Christmas never sounded so heroic. A fun and short instrumental ditty that captures the chaotic, shiny, shiny, shiny, fervor of Christmas spirit.

8. “Jolly Fat Man” from Teen Titans GO!

This song is super duper fun. It’s addictive in the most juvenile way. The country twang feels old school. A stone cold classic along with the likes of “Grandma Got Run Over by a Reindeer.” If only Elvis could have sung this. It’d be bigger than “Blue Christmas.” 100%. Okay, well, maybe not. But there’s no accounting for everyone’s bad taste.

9. “Rudolph The Red-Nosed Reindeer” from Claymation Christmas

If you really think about how big the California Raisins got, it’s kind of bizarre, right? The fact that we all collectively thought claymation raisins singing Motown was incredible is a thing that gives me hope in humanity. Seriously, Motown music added to anything is always going to be a win.

10. “Lake Freeze” from The Christmas Raccoons

This show isn’t as widely known as some of the others on the list. The music in this Christmas special was absolutely gorgeous though. This song makes me sob. Singer Rita Coolidge also did voices in the show (The Raccoons).

11. “Sounds Of Christmas Day” from The Flintstones Christmas Special

This is another sweet and jingly ditty that feels like Christmas magic bubbling in your heart. I love how it even feels like toys and kids somehow. I appreciate Christmas music that sounds like it came right out of the golden era with Johnny Mathis, Perry Como, and Rosemary Clooney.

Listen to it here.

12. “Goodnight, But Not Goodbye” from The Star Wars Holiday Special

I love The Star Wars Holiday Special. I love it unironically. It’s wholesome and interesting. It expanded the universe well before Disney did. That few minutes that Bea Arthur sings are flat out face-melting to me. Not only was she an incredible activist, actress, and performer, the way she brings so much gravitas to a pretty silly setting is truly an accomplishment.

Kiley Fox

When Kiley isn’t laughing at her own terrible puns & dad jokes, she can usually be found studying archaeology, talking about dinosaurs, or watching movies with dinosaurs. Proudly a layman of film, she doesn’t care if you think her opinion sucks. She does however feel it’s important that you agree folded over chips are the best chips.


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