August 27, 2021

“More links than a Zelda Convention…” - Erin B. Gaskill

  • The latest Marvel Legends set from Hasbro is all about Spider-Man with a mix of MCU stuff and comics folks. Clearly the best part is J.K. Simmons — but I’m also very partial to the Build-A-Figure Armadillo (that brief time he was a quasi-hero with The Initiative was great!). Check them out below. You can pre-order from Hasbro, Big Bad Toy Store, or other sites.

Marvel Legends Spider-Man set.jpeg
@mndiaye_97 Actually considering what we’ve done to them, they should be afraid of us #fyp#monke#truestory ♬ Spooky, quiet, scary atmosphere piano songs - Skittlegirl Sound
  • Time flies when everything is awful. But what’s not awful is the website Film Cred, which seems like it just launched yesterday but actually celebrated it’s one-year anniversary last month! It’s a dope place that seeks to foster the talents of new film critics and writers about movies in general. Please check them out.

  • Museum Of Home Video is an awesome group that streams on Twitch featuring montages of various old commercials, scenes from movies, or entire films. As they state: The Museum of Home Video is 90 minutes of found footage for stoners, seekers, archivists and drinkers. Every Tuesday at 7:30p PST, we gather on to watch pirate television for the soul.

  • As a major Neill Blomkamp apologist (though I still haven’t watched DEMONIC yet), I appreciate Jon Abrams’ writing about the filmmaker’s breakthrough movie, DISTRICT 9, for Daily Grindhouse (though I will fight to the death that ELYSIUM and CHAPPIE - yes, even CHAPPIE - are unfairly maligned).

  • Priscilla Page crafts a ton of great writing about all sorts of movies, though specializing in action and crime genres (and she knows a frightening amount about cars; like a Memphis Raines-level of car knowledge). Check out her tremendous work and, if able, please support her Patreon.

And now the saga of OnlyFans told in two parts. Part the First:

Part The Second:

  • There’s a new boutique distribution company in town and it’s already offering up some solid titles. Crescendo House offers titles for booking in theaters and events as well as offering up physical media for some. I pre-ordered LABYRINTH OF CINEMA already and I am stoked to see what they do next.

  • Speaking of boutique film companies, Severin Films unleashed this massive Blu-ray box set of folk horror films that is up for pre-order and should come out in December. There are so many excellent movies in the box set, including a bunch that haven’t been released since VHS if ever, so it may be worth the $170 + shipping price tag.

  • There’s a great new podcast from Headgum that you should check out: The Scroll Down, hosted by Niccole Thurman and Marcella Arguello, is a hilarious spelunking of the weird caverns of social media that examines all the bizarre things that trend, the unique personalities emerge, and the many (almost definitely) unhealthy way we navigate and engage with these things. It’s awesome.

  • Maya Cade just launched Black Film Archive, which “celebrates the rich, abundant history of Black cinema. We are an evolving archive dedicated to making historically and culturally significant films made from 1915 to 1979 about Black people accessible through a streaming guide with cultural context.” Be sure to check out this impressive undertaking and bookmark the cool site.

  • For Bloody Disgusting, Jason Jinkins talks to screenwriter James Gibson about an abandoned sequel to THE CROW that was supposed to be the fourth entry in the franchise. THE CROW: LAZARUS was set to star DMX and Eminem and…wait WHAT?!?


Have some stuff you think should show up here? News, reviews, articles, editorials, music, videos, comedy, memes, make-em-ups, whatever! Contact me today!


The Velvet Underground Doc Rises Oct 15


August 13, 2021