It’s hard not to love the work of Jason Eisener. From the deranged joys of HOBO WITH A SHOTGUN, to the…also well, also deranged joys of KIDS VS. ALIENS, to all sorts of projects in between, the filmmaker injects all of his projects with a demented glee that reflects a genuine passion for his craft. This is even apparent in his 2008 short film, TREEVENGE. These evergreen vigilantes don’t need The Lorax to speak for them as they go on a rampage against those who have wronged them every Christmas season.

The plot summary is as follows:

Christmas trees ripped out of their forest plan revenge against people enjoying the holidays.

And here’s a blurb by Mitch Davis:

"Ever thought about how bad it would suck to be a tree during the Christmas season? This wildly bloody and ingeniously insane short from HOBO WITH A SHOTGUN filmmakers Jason Eisener and Rob Cotterill shines light on the forgotten victims of the holidays. Prepare to have your Yuletides yacked!"

TREEVENGE is a delightful slice of holiday horror comedy that just may find its way into your yearly viewing rotation. Enjoy!


John Waters’ Top Films Of 2023
