Thanksgiving Cinemadness Mega Mix (2023)

We love us a good visual mixtape here at Neon Splatter.

Cinematic Void is an L.A.-based group that curates screenings, makes podcasts, hosts movies online, and much more. Under that “much more” category comes big visual mixtapes usually around a theme. This time they’ve created a mix of Thanksgiving-related ephemera. There’s local commercials, national advertisements, parade footage, clips from holiday films, promos, and so much more from the past (mostly the ‘80s and ‘90s it seems). You need something to convince you to watch this? Here it is in one image:

Yeah, that’s ALF commenting on the Garfield float in the Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Parade. C’mon people! You gotta watch this—or at least put it on in the background as guests settle, you cook, or you finish washing those dishes.

If you like what Cinematic Void is offering (and you should), subscribe to their YouTube channel, check out their website, follow them on Twitter, follow them on Facebook, and possibly consider supporting their Patreon.


boygenius - “Cool About It”


Thanksgiving Films To Watch